Quelle place occupe Édouard-Zotique Massicotte dansl’historiographie de l’ethnologie ? Cette étudeprésente ses intérêts, ses recherches et sonparcours littéraire entre 1882 et 1915, soit avant sa rencontreavec Marius Barbeau en 1917. Son oeuvre pionnière dans ledomaine du folklore est souvent citée. Mais, elle reste peuconnue des chercheurs. L’analyse du discours abordé sousl’angle de l’agitateur culturel met en lumière savolonté de partager ses connaissances au-delà de sespairs, et ses exhortations à poursuivre les recherches. Dansl’ensemble, la contribution de Massicotte à la disciplinede l’ethnologie – le folklore à son époque–, et à l’émergence du patrimoine serévèle plus riche qu’anticipé.
What role does Édouard-Zotique Massicotte play in the historiography of ethnology ? This study presents his interests, his research and his literary career between 1882 and 1915, hence before he met Marius Barbeau in 1917. His pioneering work in the field of folklore is often cited, but it is little known to researchers. An analysis of the discourse discussed in terms of a cultural agitator highlighted his willingness to share his knowledge beyond his peers, and his exhortations to continue his research. Overall, Massicotte’s contributions to the discipline of ethnology – folklore during his time – and to the emergence of patrimony is revealing to be even richer than expected.
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