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Neatby, Hilda, et al. "The Canadian Historical Association, the Canadian Historical Review, and Local History: A Symposium." Report of the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Historical Association / Rapport de l’assemblée annuelle de la Société historique du Canada, volume 31, number 1, 1952, p. 46–65.
Neatby, H., Conacher, J. B., Preston, R. A., Provost, H. & Thomas, L. H. (1952). The Canadian Historical Association, the Canadian Historical Review, and Local History: A Symposium. Report of the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Historical Association / Rapport de l’assemblée annuelle de la Société historique du Canada, 31(1), 46–65.
- Chicago
Neatby, Hilda, Conacher, J. B., Preston, R. A., Provost, Honorius and Thomas, Lewis H. "The Canadian Historical Association, the Canadian Historical Review, and Local History: A Symposium". Report of the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Historical Association / Rapport de l’assemblée annuelle de la Société historique du Canada 31, no. 1 (1952) : 46–65.
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