Book ReviewsComptes rendus

de la Cruz, Juana. Mother Juana de la Cruz, 1481−1534: Visionary Sermons. Ed. Jessica A. Boon and Ronald E. Surtz. Intro. and notes Jessica A. Boon. Trans. Ronald E. Surtz and Nora Weinerth

  • Sara T. Nalle

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  • Sara T. Nalle
    William Paterson University

Corrigenda: In the third paragraph, the introduction is incorrectly attributed to both editors. The introductory material was written solely by Jessica A. Boon.

In the same paragraph, Jessica A. Boon’s degree is incorrect. Her correct degree is a PhD in Religious Studies.

Cover of Volume 40, Number 2, Spring 2017, pp. 7-238, Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme

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