Volume 11, Number 1 (32), Spring–Summer 1987
Table of contents (11 articles)
Symposium: The History of Canadian Science, Technology and Medicine / L’histoire de la science, de la technologie et de la médecine au Canada, 1976-1986
Book Reviews / Comptes rendus
Medical Topography of Upper Canada. John Douglas, London, 1819, reprint edition Science History Publications, 1985. Introduction by Charles G. Roland. Pp xii + 42, index. $13.95
Growing to Serve... A History of Victoria Hospital, London, Ontario. John R. Sullivan, Norman R. Ball, London, Victoria Hospital Corporation, 1985. Pp 163, illus., index, appendices
The Selling of Canada: The CPR and the Beginnings of Canadian Tourism. E.J. Hart, Banff, Canada, Altitude Publishing Ltd., 1983. Pp 180, ill., index, note on sources. Metropolitan Corridor: Railroads and the American Scene. John R. Stilgoe, New Haven, Connecticut, Yale University Press, 1983. Pp xiii + 397, ill., index, endnotes, bibliography