This paper focuses the attention on Simmel’s selected writings on women, love and gender relations. This paper is structured as follows. The first section focuses on the image of woman presented by Simmel. Although his arguments sound “old fashioned”, he gives a positive evaluation of woman. The second section is devoted to the analysis of the gender relations that has led to woman subordination. The third section analyses Simmel's idea of male-female relationships based on the domination/subordination paradigm. The last section shows how Simmel's work devoted to this topic can drive our researches today.
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Biographical note
Adele Bianco is Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Chieti-Pescara. Her research interests are: the German sociological theories (Simmel & Elias); the today technological innovation impacting employment; the shifting balance of power from industrialized to emerging countries. Publications: Domination and Subordination as Social Organization Principle in Georg Simmel's Soziologie, Lexington Books (2014).
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