Despite Simmel’s idea of a secondary qualitative significance of money, the paradigmatic figure of the “financial aristocrat” (Geldaristokrat), owner of a great amount of money, is conditioned by the external reality, the technical intellectualisation and the quantitative reduction of life contents. The problematic nature of such an expression lies in the fact that Simmel, like Nietzsche, sees a strong opposition between money culture (Geldkultur) and the aristocratic ideal (Vornehmheitsideal). However, such an expression seems rather fitting to the contemporary phenomenon of the emergency of cryptocurrencies, that can be considered as the actualisation of Simmel’s “perfect money”. Thus, it is hypothesised an aristocratic-cosmopolitan consideration of the miners as guarantors of perfectly desubstantialised money where the connection between money and technology comes to a hybridisation. Starting from these considerations and taking into account the importance of the financial aristocrat in Simmel’s framework, a phenomenological observation of the XXI century Geldkultur could be put forward..
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Biographical note
Donato Cocozza – anderswo96@gmail.com – has an MA Degree in Philosophy of Religion at the University of Naples Federico II, Italy. His BA thesis focused on Gabriel Tarde’s “Metaphysics of having” while during his postgraduate studies he studied Georg Simmel and wrote an MA thesis with the title “Religiousness and irreligiousness of money. A perspective on Simmel’s Philosophie des Geldes”.
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