The benefits of learning an additional language are wide-ranging. In addition to the advantage of being able to communicate in an additional language, there are cognitive and academic benefits for the learner, such as increased ability to solve problems, multitask, and enhanced first-language literacy skills compared to monolingual students. Language learning also offers benefits for society : Second-language learners demonstrate enhanced empathy, awareness of diversity, tolerance of difference, and a greater sense of social justice (O’Brien et al., 2017). Given the numerous benefits of learning an additional language, it is important to ensure the quality of second language teaching in Canada and Quebec.
Les avantages d’apprendre une autre langue sont multiples. En plus de celle de pouvoir communiquer dans une deuxième langue, d’autres gains cognitifs et mentaux se greffent tout au long du parcours de l’apprenant, telle la capacité accrue à résoudre des problèmes, à effectuer plusieurs tâches à la fois et à améliorer ses compétences en lecture et en écriture dans sa langue maternelle par rapport aux élèves qui ne maîtrisent qu’une seule langue. L’apprentissage des langues présente également des avantages pour l’ensemble de la société : les apprenants d’une deuxième langue font preuve d’une plus grande empathie, une compréhension de la diversité, une tolérance à l’égard des différences et un plus grand sens de la justice sociale. Compte tenu des nombreux avantages de l’apprentissage d’une nouvelle langue pour un apprenant en langue seconde, il est important de maintenir la qualité de l’enseignement au Canada et au Québec.
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Biographical notes
Philippa Parks
Philippa’s research interests include Second Language teacher efficacy, and identity ; teacher evaluation and the practicum experience. Her current research focuses on the intersections of language and teacher identity in pre-service and in-service ESL teachers in Quebec.
Caroline Riches
Caroline’s area of expertise is second (additional) language education, with a specific focus on English as a Second Language and French as a Second Language teaching and learning in Canada. Her expertise extends to teacher education, educational sociolinguistics, and language policy and planning. Her current research involves language teacher professional identity and professional development.
Katherine Hardin
Katherine Hardin is a PhD student in Educational Studies at McGill University. She has a background in community language education and bilingualism studies. Her research focuses on the francisation-alpha program for newcomers to Quebec.
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