Critical Education

Volume 13, numéro 3, 2022

Sommaire (6 articles)


  1. The Political Economy of International Education: A Critical Discussion
  2. “A Very Difficult Decision”: Teacher Educator Parents, their Children’s Schooling, and the Misalignment of Values and Choices

Contemporary Educator Movements: Transforming Unions, Schools, and Society

  1. (Anti)Racism, Democracy, and Social Justice Unionism: Introduction to Part 3 of the Special Series on Transforming Unions, Schools and Society
  2. Fighting Racism through Teacher Union Democratization: Activist Educators in Social Justice Caucuses in New York City and Philadelphia
  3. (Re)Forming Unions for Social Justice: A Critical Autoethnographic Inquiry into Racism, Democracy, and Teacher Leadership
  4. “Reclaiming Our Schools”: Interviews with Black Lives Matter at School Organizers Tamara Anderson and Jesse Hagopian


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