Volume 7, numéro 1-2, 1985
Sommaire (16 articles)
" 'Enough to charm the heart of a wheelbarrow and make a shovel dance': Helen Creighton, Pioneer Collecter"
Tales Women Tell: The Function of Birth Experience Narratives
Folklore in Anglo-American Medical Journals 1845-1897
Les moyens de transport au Canada français dans la période pré-industrielle
Filksongs as Modem Folk Songs
Chinese Community and Cultural Traditions in Quebec City
"Jennifer and her Barbies": A Contextual Analysis of a Child Playing Barbie Dolls
"You Never Think to Lose The 'Nyah'..." Retention and Change in a Fiddler's Tradition
French-Canadian Nationalism and the Beginnings of Folklore Studies in Quebec
"Like a Lone Bawling Calf": Some Musical Style Traits of Recent Cowboy Songs
Les Objets de piété: défaillance de la religion populaire au Canada français
Notes de recherche / Research Note
Note critique / Review Article
Comptes rendus / Book Reviews
The Singing Game. Iona and Peter OPIE (Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press, 1985, pp. 521.)
The French-Canadian Heritage in New England. Gérard J. BRAULT (Hanover, University Press of New England, and Kingston and Montreal, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1986. Pp. 282, ill., biblio., index. $12.95 (U.S.) paper, $25.00 (U.S.) cloth)