Volume 16, numéro 2, 1994 Mélanges Special Articles
Sommaire (22 articles)
Présentation / Presentation
Objets d’amour : porte-bonheur et symboles
Frances Mateychuk’s Quilts : Mapping a Place
Topologie, contes et écologie humaine et sociale : des convergences épistémologiques
La coutume antique et médiévale des couronnes de fleurs retrouvée dans les chansons de tradition orale
“You don’t want to buy it, you want to borrow it” : humour in the Prince Edward Island auctioneer’s performance
«J’arrive de quelque part...» : les traces matérielles de l’histoire personnelle
Notes de recherche / Research Notes
Comptes rendus / Book Reviews
«À l’affiche, cent ans de cinéma au Québec», Cap-aux-Diamants, n° 38 (été 1994, ISSN 0829-7983)
Lina REMON, avec la collaboration de Jean-Pierre JOYAL, Paroles et musiques: Madame Bolduc (Montréal, Guérin, 1993, [2]-246 p., photos, ill. musique, 21 x 28 cmJSNB 2-7601- 2483-5)
Robert-Lionel SÉGUIN, La danse traditionnelle au Québec (Presses de l’Université du Québec, Sillery, Québec, 1986,105 pages, ISBN 2-7605-0383-6)
John WRIGHT, Travelling the High Way Home : Ralph Stanley and the World of Traditional Bluegrass Music (University of Illinois Press, 1993, pp. xx+258, ISBN 0-252-02024-3)
Elaine J. LAWLESS, Holy Women, Wholly Women : Sharing Ministries of Wholeness through Life Stories and Reciprocal Ethnography (Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1993, xiii+300, ISBN 0-8122-1444-7)
John MINTON, “Big 'Fraid and Little 'Fraid” : an Afro-American Folktale (Helsinki, Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 1993, 104 pp., ISBN 951-41-0701-2)
Bill C. MALONE, Singing Cowboys and Musical Mountaineers : Southern Culture and the Roots of Country Music (Athens and London, University of Georgia Press, 1993, pp. x+158, foreword, preface, introduction, notes, index, ISBN 0-8203-1483- 8, U.S. $24.95 cloth)
Robert H. LOWIE, Myths and Traditions of the Crow Indians, Introduction to the Bison Book Edition by Peter Nabokov (Lincoln and London, University of Nebraska Press, 1993, xviii + 303 p., ISBN 0-8032-7944-2)
Kathy NEUSTADT, Clambake : a History & Celebration of American Tradition (Amherst, The University of Massachusetts Press, 1992, xi and 227 pp., illus., ISBN 0-87023-782-3, paperback)
Mark DUGAN and John BOESSENECKER, The Grey Fox : the True Story of Bill Minier—Last of the Old-Time Bandits (Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 1992. Pp. 260 ISBN 9-780806-124353 (cloth)
Roberto ZAPPERI (Translated by Brian WILLIAMS), The Pregnant Man (Revised and updated 4th ed. Social Orders v. 3, Chur,Harwood Academie Publishers, 1991,pp-ix+246 ISSN 0275-7524)
Neil ROSENBERG (ed.), Transforming Tradition : Folk Music Revivais Examined (Urbana and Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 1993, pp. xiii+ 340, ISBN 0-252-01982-2)
Katharine YOUNG (ed.), Bodyflore (Publications of the American Folklore Society, New Series, Patrick B. Mullen (ed.), Knoxville, University of Tennessee Press, 1993, pp. xiv+261, ISBN 0-87049-799-5)