
Volume 21, numéro 1, 1999 Ethnicités et régionalismes Ethnicities and Regionalisms

Sommaire (28 articles)

  1. Here We Go Again: Ethnicities and Regionalisms / Et on recommence ! Ethnicités et régionalismes
  2. Créer des costumes régionaux au Québec : entre l’« inventé » et l’« authentique »
  3. “I Chose Some Cups and Saucers”: Gender, Tradition, and Subversive Elements in my Grandmother’s Life Stories
  4. “There’s Nothing Like a Cup of Tea in the Woods”: Continuity, Community and Cultural Validation in Rural Newfoundland Boil-ups
  5. Les modes d’acquisition des savoir-faire des fabricantsd’accordéons diatoniques québécois
  6. Folklore and Literature: Canadian Contexts
  7. “You Don’t Have to Be Filmish”: The Toronto Jewish Film Festival
  8. Le tourisme francophone en Louisiane : un enjeu identitaire
  9. Abandoned Buildings, Living Communities: Local Resistance to Preservation in Dawson City, Yukon
  10. Postcards from the Edge : decoding Winnipeg’s “One Gay City” campaign
  11. Quand de « maudit » le carillonneur devient « bénit » : la réécriture du populaire par le savant
  12. Stone Memories, Sculptured History: Multiple Readings of Manitoba’s Legislative Building
  13. My Barrel Chair: Evoking the Past, Prophesying Armageddon

Comptes rendus / Book Reviews

  1. The Last Chivaree: The Hicks Family of Beech Mountain. By Robert Isbell. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996. 174 p., foreword by Wilma Dykeman, selected bibliography, $30.95 U.S., ISBN 0-8078-2266-3 cloth.)
  2. Theme in Oral Epic and in Beowulf. Milman Parry Studies in Oral Tradition. By Francelia Mason Clark. (New York: Garland, 1995. Pp. xxxvi + 252, appendix, bibliography, ISBN 0-8153-1874-X.) / Beowulf and the Demise of Germanic Legend in England. Albert Bates Lord Studies in Oral Tradition, 17. By Craig R. Davis. (New York: Garland, 1996. Pp. xvii + 237, appendices, bibliography, ISBN 0-8153-2354-9.)
  3. The Cultures of Computing. By Susan Leigh Starr, editor. (Oxford: Blackwell, 1996. Reprint. 282 p., Index, bibliography, ISBN 0-631-19282-4.) / Cultures of Internet: Virtual Spaces, Real Histories, Living Bodies. By Rob Shields, editor. (London: SAGE, 1996. Pp. viii +196, index, bibliography, ISBN 0-8039-7519-8.)
  4. Captured Voices: Five Centuries of Interplay Between Folk Literature and Print. An Exhibition. Curated by Michael Taft. (Edmonton: University of Alberta. Pp. vi + 32, illustrations.)
  5. Going by the Moon and the Stars: Stories of Two Russian Mennonite Women. By Pamela E. Klassen. (Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier University Press, 1994. Pp. ix + 151, index, bibliography, ISBN 0-88920-244-3 pbk. $19.95)
  6. Jeannie Robertson: Emergent Singer, Transformative Voice. By James Porter and Herschel Gower. (Publications of the American Folklore Society, New Series. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 1995. Pp. xlvi + 357, song texts with musical transcriptions, genealogy, appendices, glossary, bibliography, index, $48 U.S., ISBN 0-87049-904-1 cloth.)
  7. The Slavic Epie: Gundulic’s Osman. By Zdenko Zlatar. (New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 1995. Pp. xxx + 599, acknowledgments, list of illustrations, list of maps, bibliography, index, ISBN 0-8204-2380-7 cloth.)
  8. Eye on the Future: Popular Culture Scholarship into the 21st Century in Honor of Ray B. Browne. By Marilyn F. Motz, John G.Nachbar, Michael T. Marsden, and Ronald J. Ambrosetti. (Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1994. 294 p., ISBN: 0-8797-2655-5, $39.95 U.S.)
  9. Discourses of the Vanishing: Modernity, Phantasm, Japan. By Marilyn Ivy. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995. Pp. iii + 270, afterwords, bibliography, index, $45.95 U.S./$17.95 U.S., ISBN: 0-2263-8832-8 cloth, 0- 2263-8833-6 pbk.)
  10. A History and Ethnography of the Beothuk. By Ingeborg Marshall. (Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1996. Pp. xxiv + 640, illustrations, index, references, bibliography, selective chronology, biographies, $45.00, ISBN 0-7735-1390-6.)
  11. Researching Culture: Qualitative Method and Cultural Studies. By Pertti Alasuutari. (London: Sage Publications, 1995. Pp. ix + 208, references, index, ISBN 0-8039-7630-8 cloth, 0-8039-7831-6 pbk.) / Marrying & Burying: Rites of Passage in a Man’s Life. By Ronald L. Grimes. (Boulder: Westview Press, 1995. Pp. xii + 263, $59.50/$18.95 U.S., ISBN O- 8133-2459-9 cloth, 0-8133-2460-2 pbk.) / Soap Fans: Pursuing Pleasure and Making Meaning in Everyday Life. By C. Lee Harrington and Denise Bielby. (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1995. Pp. x + 225, photographs, references, name index, subject index, $69.95/$22.95 U.S., ISBN 1-56639-329-9 cloth, 1-56639-330-2 pbk.) / Eagle Down Is Our Law: Witsuwit’en Law, Feasts and Land Claims. By Antonia Mills. (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1994. Pp. xxi + 208, references, index, ISBN 0-7748-0497-1 cloth, 0-7748-0513-7 pbk.)
  12. Histoire du blasphème en Occident. Alain Cabantous (Paris : Albin Michel, collection « L’évolution de l’humanité », 1998.307 p., ISBN : 2-226-10468-2.)
  13. Québec, une histoire capitale. Par Serge Lambert et Jean-Claude Dupont (Québec : Éditions GID, collection « 100 ans noir sur blanc », 1998. 215 p., ISBN : 2-9802952-4-8. 29.95$.)
  14. « Et délivrez-nous du mal... ». Signes et rites de protection en Forez rural. Par Lucien Barou, Bernard Blethon, Tony Kocher et Daniel Palmier (Publications de l’Université de Saint-Étienne, Mémoire Forézienne-Centre d’Études Foréziennes, 1998. 341 p., ISBN 2-86272-129-8.)

Nécrologie / Obituary

  1. Magnùs Einarsson, (Folklorist)

Anciens numéros de Ethnologies