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Biographical note
Georges Létourneau is Vice President of Heritage Sutton, the historical society of Sutton, Québec. ( A previous version of this article appeared in the society’s publication, History Sketchbooks, No. 15, November 2011.
Jay Sames is a member of Heritage Sutton and the Copy Editor / Proofreader for the English side of Cahiers d’histoire / History Sketchbooks. Though having spent much of his life as a chemical engineer, Jay has a lifelong interest in both language and history, as well as a law degree. A voracious and multifarious reader, Jay especially loves fine literature; he is a writer (locally for Le Tour in Sutton and History Sketchbooks), a hiker and a backpacker. For Le Tour, he has written from Belarus, India, Malaysia and the UK.
- Bouchette, Joseph. 1832. A Topographical Dictionary of the Province of Lower Canada. London.
- Day, Catherine Matilda. 1869. History of the Eastern Townships
- Miller, Harry. 1980. Potash from Wood Ashes: Frontier Technology in Canada and the United States. Technology and Culture, Vol. 21, No.2, April 1980.
- Miller, Harry. 1968. Canada’s Historic First Iron Castings. Department of Energy, Mines and Resources. Ottawa.
- Pliny the Elder. (23AD-79AD) Naturalis Historia.
- Sesquicentennial of Sutton, 1952. Album souvenir. Sutton.
- Stewart, Charles. 1815. A Short View of the Present State of the Eastern Townships in the Province of Lower Canada. London.
- Thomas, Cyrus. 1866. Contribution to the History of the Eastern Townships. John Lowell, Montréal.