The paper provides a series of responses to the papers published in Vol. 37, No. 3, of this journal that explored the ideas in Harald Wohlrapp’s The Concept of Argument (2014), where arguing is understood as the theoretical or theory-forming activity that can be found in research of all kinds. Thus, the approach taken focuses on the validity of theses. This approach is clarified further as the author considers points raised by his commentators and provides answers and, where necessary, corrections.
- justification,
- objections,
- objectivity,
- rhetorical argument,
- thetical validity,
- transsubjectivity
Cet article fournit une série de réponses aux articles publiés dans le vol. 37, no. 3 dans lequel les auteurs explorent les idées contenues dans The Concept of Argument de Harald Wohlrapp (2014) où l'argumentation est comprise comme l'activité théorique ou l’activité qui forme une théorie qu’on peut trouver dans toutes sortes de recherches. Ainsi, l'approche adoptée met l'accent sur la validité des thèses. L’auteur clarifie davantage cette approche en répondant aux questions soulevée par ses commentateurs et en faisant les corrections qui sont nécessaires.
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Parties annexes
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- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. 1977. Phenomenology of the spirit (transl. W. Wallace). Oxford: Clarendon Press (German original 1807).
- Hitchcock, David. 2015. Review of Harald R. Wohlrapp’s The concept of argument, A philosophical foundation. Argumentation, DOI 10.1007/s10503-015-9365-3.
- Hitchcock, David. 2017. Transsubjectivity. Informal Logic 37(3), 230-239.
- Johnson, Ralph. 2000. Manifest rationality, A pragmatic theory of argument. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
- Johnson, Ralph. 2017. Wohlrapp on the criterial side of validity: Some comments. Informal Logic 37(3), 223-229.
- Sellars, Wilfried. 1968. Science, perception and reality. London: Routledge.
- Stevens, Katharina. 2017. Does rhetoric have a place in Wohlrapp’s theory of argumentation? Informal Logic 37(3), 183-210.
- Tindale, Christopher. 2015. The philosophy of argument and audience reception. Cambridge: CUP.
- Wohlrapp, Harald. 2014, The concept of argument, A philosophical foundation. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Wohlrapp, Harald. 2017. Précis of The concept of argument, A philosophical foundation. Informal Logic 37(3), 162-169.