International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

Volume 11, numéro 2, mai 2010

Sommaire (13 articles)


  1. Editorial

Research Articles

  1. Cultural Dimensions of Learning: Addressing the Challenges of Multicultural Instruction
  2. Unbundling Faculty Roles in Online Distance Education Programs
  3. Process-Based Assessment for Professional Learning in Higher Education: Perspectives on the Student-Teacher Relationship
  4. The Relationship between Academic Discipline and Dialogic Behavior in Open University Course Forums
  5. Length of Online Course and Student Satisfaction, Perceived Learning, and Academic Performance

Field Notes

  1. The Challenges of Implementing Distance Education in Uganda: A Case Study

Book Notes

Technical Notes

  1. 69. Thirty Years of Distance Education: Personal Reflections
  2. 70. Universal Instructional Design Principles for Moodle


  1. Message Interactions in Online Asynchronous Discussions: The Problem of Being “Too Nice”
  2. Three Generations of Distance Education Pedagogy


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