International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

Volume 16, numéro 2, avril 2015

Sommaire (17 articles)


Research Articles

  1. Influencing Factors in OER Usage of Adult Learners in Korea
  2. Uptake of OER by Staff in Distance Education in South Africa
  3. Coursera’s Introductory Human Physiology Course: Factors that Characterize Successful Completion of a MOOC
  4. A Usability Evaluation of a Blended MOOC Environment: An Experimental Case Study
  5. Linking Learning Styles and Learning on Mobile Facebook
  6. Mobile Learning: Moving Past the Myths and Embracing the Opportunities
  7. Student Media Usage Patterns and Non-Traditional Learning in Higher Education
  8. A Snapshot of Online Learners: e-Readiness, e-Satisfaction and Expectations
  9. Measuring Disorientation Based on the Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm
  10. An Item Response Theory Analysis of the Community of Inquiry Scale
  11. Perceived Usability Evaluation of Learning Management Systems: Empirical Evaluation of the System Usability Scale
  12. A Generic Framework for Extraction of Knowledge from Social Web Sources (Social Networking Websites) for an Online Recommendation System
  13. Guidelines Towards the Facilitation of Interactive Online Learning Programmes in Higher Education
  14. Professional Task-Based Curriculum Development for Distance Education Practitioners at Master’s Level: A Design-Based Research
  15. Online Text Processing: A Study of Iranian EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Knowledge
  16. “Remember to Hand Out Medals”: Peer Rating and Expertise in a Question-and-Answer Study Group


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