Throughout the world, mathematics plays a vital role for the educational and developmental aspirations of any country. The quest to teach mathematical knowledge in a viable and effective way so as to induce creativity and applicability among learners is an ongoing challenge, especially for developing countries. A better understanding of how students learn mathematics coupled with effective application of mathematical e-learning can enhance meaningful learning of mathematics and make the subject more exciting. In this note, we introduce a mathematical e-learning model suitable for the modern digital era based on the learning theories of social constructivism, social realism, and connectivity. We then discuss the feasibility of implementing the model on an open source e-learning platform. Our findings reveal that the platform offers a developer’s tool for coding and customizing templates to attain higher levels of usage and interactivity in which learners can create and control learning objects while they observe the results.
- assessment and feedback,
- dynamic and interactive content,
- e-learning platform,
- learning theory,
- mathematical learning model
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