Labour/Le Travailleur

Volume 56, 2005

Sommaire (17 articles)

Contributors / Collaborateurs


  1. Moscow Rules? 'Red' Unionism and 'Class Against Class' in Britain, Canada, and the United States,1928-1935
  2. Robitnytsia, Ukrainian Communists, and the 'Porcupinism' Debate: Reassessing Ethnicity, Gender, and Class in Early Canadian Communism, 1922-1930
  3. Maurice Spector, James R. Cannon, and the Origins of Canadian Trotskyism
  4. Family Quarrel: Joe Salsberg, the 'Jewish' Question, and Canadian Communism

Presentations / Présentations

Notes and Documents

Review Essays / Notes Critiques

Reviews / Comptes Rendus

Book Notes / Références Bibliographiques

Notebook / Carnet

  1. Notebook / Carnet

Bibliography / Bibliographie

Minutes / Procès-verbal

Abstracts / Résumés

Anciens numéros de Labour/Le Travailleur