Ontario History

Volume 106, numéro 2, fall 2014

Sommaire (14 articles)

  1. A Danger and a Nuisance: Regulating the Automobile in Ontario, 1903-1912
  2. Not Guilty, but Guilty: Race, Rumour, and Respectability in the 1882 Abortion Trial of Letitia Munson
  3. “Patronage, like Hamlet’s ghost will not down!”: Ontario’s Farmer-Labour Government and Political Patronage, 1919-1923
  4. Turning ‘Space’ into ‘Place’ with Food: Immigrant Women’s Food Narratives in Post-1945 North Bay, Ontario
  5. Upper Canadian Thermidor: The Family Compact & the Counter-revolutionary Atlantic

Book Reviews

Anciens numéros de Ontario History