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Stewart, J. D. « Julius S. Held, The Oil Sketches of Peter Paul Rubens: a Critical Catalogue. 2 vols. Princeton (nj). Princeton University Press, 1980 (National Gallery of Art, Kress Foundation Studies in the History of Art, n° 7). i: 698 + xv pp., 71 fig.; ii: xv pp. + 504 plates. $125.00 (2 vols., cloth) / R.-A. D’Hulst, Jacob Jordaens. Translated from the Dutch by P.S. Falla. Ithaca (ny), Cornell University Press, 1982. 375 pp., 252 illus., $95.00 (cloth) / Roy Strong, Britannia Triumphans: Inigo Jones, Rubens and Whitehall Palace. London, Thames and Hudson. Oxford University Press. 1980 (12th Walter Neurath Memorial Lecture). 72 pp., 59 illus., $13.25. » RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review, volume 10, numéro 2, 1983, p. 214–218.
Stewart, J. D. (1983). Compte rendu de [Julius S. Held, The Oil Sketches of Peter Paul Rubens: a Critical Catalogue. 2 vols. Princeton (nj). Princeton University Press, 1980 (National Gallery of Art, Kress Foundation Studies in the History of Art, n° 7). i: 698 + xv pp., 71 fig.; ii: xv pp. + 504 plates. $125.00 (2 vols., cloth) / R.-A. D’Hulst, Jacob Jordaens. Translated from the Dutch by P.S. Falla. Ithaca (ny), Cornell University Press, 1982. 375 pp., 252 illus., $95.00 (cloth) / Roy Strong, Britannia Triumphans: Inigo Jones, Rubens and Whitehall Palace. London, Thames and Hudson. Oxford University Press. 1980 (12th Walter Neurath Memorial Lecture). 72 pp., 59 illus., $13.25]. RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review, 10(2), 214–218.
- Chicago
Stewart, J. D. « Julius S. Held, The Oil Sketches of Peter Paul Rubens: a Critical Catalogue. 2 vols. Princeton (nj). Princeton University Press, 1980 (National Gallery of Art, Kress Foundation Studies in the History of Art, n° 7). i: 698 + xv pp., 71 fig.; ii: xv pp. + 504 plates. $125.00 (2 vols., cloth) / R.-A. D’Hulst, Jacob Jordaens. Translated from the Dutch by P.S. Falla. Ithaca (ny), Cornell University Press, 1982. 375 pp., 252 illus., $95.00 (cloth) / Roy Strong, Britannia Triumphans: Inigo Jones, Rubens and Whitehall Palace. London, Thames and Hudson. Oxford University Press. 1980 (12th Walter Neurath Memorial Lecture). 72 pp., 59 illus., $13.25 ». RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review 10, no 2 (1983) : 214–218.
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