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Woodward, Frances. « Rees, Gary W. and Mary Hoeber. Catalogue of Sanborn Atlases at the California State University, Northridge. Western Association of Map Libraries, Occasional Paper no. 1. Santa Cruz, Cal.: Western Association of Map Libraries, 1973. Pp. xxi, 122. Illustrations. $4.00 / Union List of Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Held by Institutions in the United States and Canada. Western Association of Map Libraries, Occasional Papers nos. 2 and 3. Santa Cruz, Cal.: Western Association of Map Libraries, 1976-77. Vol. 1 (Alabama to Missouri) by R. Philip Hoehn. Pp. xvii, 178. $5.00. Vol. 2 (Montana to Wyoming; Canada and Mexico) by William S. Peterson-Hunt and Evelyn L. Woodruff, with a Supplement and Corrigenda to Vol. 1 by R. Philip Hoehn. Pp. xv, 201. $6.00. » Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, numéro 2-78, october 1978, p. 113–115.
Woodward, F. (1978). Compte rendu de [Rees, Gary W. and Mary Hoeber. Catalogue of Sanborn Atlases at the California State University, Northridge. Western Association of Map Libraries, Occasional Paper no. 1. Santa Cruz, Cal.: Western Association of Map Libraries, 1973. Pp. xxi, 122. Illustrations. $4.00 / Union List of Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Held by Institutions in the United States and Canada. Western Association of Map Libraries, Occasional Papers nos. 2 and 3. Santa Cruz, Cal.: Western Association of Map Libraries, 1976-77. Vol. 1 (Alabama to Missouri) by R. Philip Hoehn. Pp. xvii, 178. $5.00. Vol. 2 (Montana to Wyoming; Canada and Mexico) by William S. Peterson-Hunt and Evelyn L. Woodruff, with a Supplement and Corrigenda to Vol. 1 by R. Philip Hoehn. Pp. xv, 201. $6.00]. Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, (2-78), 113–115.
- Chicago
Woodward, Frances « Rees, Gary W. and Mary Hoeber. Catalogue of Sanborn Atlases at the California State University, Northridge. Western Association of Map Libraries, Occasional Paper no. 1. Santa Cruz, Cal.: Western Association of Map Libraries, 1973. Pp. xxi, 122. Illustrations. $4.00 / Union List of Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Held by Institutions in the United States and Canada. Western Association of Map Libraries, Occasional Papers nos. 2 and 3. Santa Cruz, Cal.: Western Association of Map Libraries, 1976-77. Vol. 1 (Alabama to Missouri) by R. Philip Hoehn. Pp. xvii, 178. $5.00. Vol. 2 (Montana to Wyoming; Canada and Mexico) by William S. Peterson-Hunt and Evelyn L. Woodruff, with a Supplement and Corrigenda to Vol. 1 by R. Philip Hoehn. Pp. xv, 201. $6.00 ». Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine no 2-78 (1978) : 113–115.
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