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Reilly, Nolan. « Morton, Desmond, with Copp, Terry. Working People: An Illustrated History of Canadian Labour. Ottawa: Deneau and Greenberg, 1980. Pp. xviii, 349. Illustrations. $14.95 / Heron, C. ; Hoffmitz, S. ; Roberts, W., and Storey, R. All that Our hands Have Done: A Pictorial History of the Hamilton Workers. Hamilton: Mosaic Press in association with the Office of Labour Studies, McMaster University, 1981. Pp. vii, 181. Illustrations. $14.95. » Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, volume 11, numéro 2, october 1982, p. 86–87.
Reilly, N. (1982). Compte rendu de [Morton, Desmond, with Copp, Terry. Working People: An Illustrated History of Canadian Labour. Ottawa: Deneau and Greenberg, 1980. Pp. xviii, 349. Illustrations. $14.95 / Heron, C. ; Hoffmitz, S. ; Roberts, W., and Storey, R. All that Our hands Have Done: A Pictorial History of the Hamilton Workers. Hamilton: Mosaic Press in association with the Office of Labour Studies, McMaster University, 1981. Pp. vii, 181. Illustrations. $14.95]. Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, 11(2), 86–87.
- Chicago
Reilly, Nolan « Morton, Desmond, with Copp, Terry. Working People: An Illustrated History of Canadian Labour. Ottawa: Deneau and Greenberg, 1980. Pp. xviii, 349. Illustrations. $14.95 / Heron, C. ; Hoffmitz, S. ; Roberts, W., and Storey, R. All that Our hands Have Done: A Pictorial History of the Hamilton Workers. Hamilton: Mosaic Press in association with the Office of Labour Studies, McMaster University, 1981. Pp. vii, 181. Illustrations. $14.95 ». Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine 11, no 2 (1982) : 86–87.
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