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Taylor, John H. « Brousseau, Francine, and/et Line Chabot. Architecture in/dans "Canadian Illustrated News" and/et "L'Opinion publique": Inventory of References/Inventaire des références. Ottawa: Parks Canada, 1984. pp. 203. French and English. Free / Barfod, Hans O., photography, and Carolyn Czarnecki, text. Yellowknife. Yellowknife: Outcrop Ltd., 1984. Pp. 63. Illustrations / Institut national de la recherche scientifique: urbanisation. Travaux 1970-1983: Bibliographie. Montréal: INRS: Urbanisation, 1984. Pp. 63. Indexes / Kennedy, James R. South Elmsley in the Making, 1783-1983. Township of South Elmsley, 1984. Illustrations. $24.95. » Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, volume 14, numéro 1, june 1985, p. 71–72.
Taylor, J. H. (1985). Compte rendu de [Brousseau, Francine, and/et Line Chabot. Architecture in/dans "Canadian Illustrated News" and/et "L'Opinion publique": Inventory of References/Inventaire des références. Ottawa: Parks Canada, 1984. pp. 203. French and English. Free / Barfod, Hans O., photography, and Carolyn Czarnecki, text. Yellowknife. Yellowknife: Outcrop Ltd., 1984. Pp. 63. Illustrations / Institut national de la recherche scientifique: urbanisation. Travaux 1970-1983: Bibliographie. Montréal: INRS: Urbanisation, 1984. Pp. 63. Indexes / Kennedy, James R. South Elmsley in the Making, 1783-1983. Township of South Elmsley, 1984. Illustrations. $24.95]. Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, 14(1), 71–72.
- Chicago
Taylor, John H. « Brousseau, Francine, and/et Line Chabot. Architecture in/dans "Canadian Illustrated News" and/et "L'Opinion publique": Inventory of References/Inventaire des références. Ottawa: Parks Canada, 1984. pp. 203. French and English. Free / Barfod, Hans O., photography, and Carolyn Czarnecki, text. Yellowknife. Yellowknife: Outcrop Ltd., 1984. Pp. 63. Illustrations / Institut national de la recherche scientifique: urbanisation. Travaux 1970-1983: Bibliographie. Montréal: INRS: Urbanisation, 1984. Pp. 63. Indexes / Kennedy, James R. South Elmsley in the Making, 1783-1983. Township of South Elmsley, 1984. Illustrations. $24.95 ». Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine 14, no 1 (1985) : 71–72.
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