Scientia Canadensis
Canadian Journal of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine
Revue canadienne d'histoire des sciences, des techniques et de la médecine

Volume 36, Number 1, 2013 Canada’s Usable Past: Consumer Technologies in Historical Perspective

Table of contents (6 articles)


  1. Introduction: Canada’s Usable Past: Consumer Technologies in Historical Perspective
  2. Cameras in the Countryside: Recreational Photography in Rural Ontario, 1851-1920
  3. ‘Young Rovers’ and ‘Dazzling Lady Meteors:’ Gender and Bicycle Club Culture in Turn-of-the-Century Small-Town Ontario
  4. Ironing out the Wrinkles: Technological and Aesthetic Change in Domestic Irons, 1880-1920
  5. Making (Anti)Modern Childhood: Producing and Consuming Toys in Late Victorian Canada
  6. “‘From Our Lips:’ Lipstick as Consumer Technology and the MAC VIVA GLAM Advertising Campaigns”

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