Journal of the Canadian Historical Association
Revue de la Société historique du Canada

Volume 24, numéro 1, 2013

Sommaire (8 articles)

  1. 2013 Canadian Historical Association Presidential Address: On Local History and Local Historical Knowledge / Discours présidentiel 2013 de la Société historique du Canada : de l’histoire locale et de la connaissance locale du passé
  2. Story People: Stó:lō-State Relations and Indigenous Literacies in British Columbia, 1864–1874
  3. Protestants, the Liberal State, and the Practice of Politics: Revisiting R.J. Fleming and the 1890s Toronto Streetcar Controversy
  4. From Integration to Segregation: Government Education Policy and the School at Telegraph Creek, British Columbia, 1906–1951
  5. Itinerant Jewish and Arabic Trading in the Dene’s North, 1916-1930
  6. On the Edge of War and Society: Canadian Pentecostal Bible School Students in the 1940s
  7. Les douaniers de la modernité : l’engagement des intellectuels dominicains dans la crise de confessionnalité, 1940-1946
  8. “What We’ve Said Can be Proven in the Ground”: Stó:lō Sovereignty and Historical Narratives at Xá:ytem, 1990–2006

Anciens numéros de Journal of the Canadian Historical Association / Revue de la Société historique du Canada