Volume 20, Number 2, Autumn 1991
Table of contents (13 articles)
Contributors / Collaborateurs
The Industrial Context of Inequality: : female Participation in Nova Scotia's Paid Labour Force, 1871-1921*
Farming the Rock: : the Evolution of Commercial Agriculture around St. John's, Newfoundland, to 1945*
The Significance of Evangelical Presbyterian Politics in the Construction of State Schooling: : a Case Study of the Pictou District, 1817-1866*
Divorce in a Small Province: : a History of Divorce on Prince Edward Island from 1833*
Forest Policy in Nova Scotia: : the Big Lease, Cape Breton Island, 1899-1960
A Man for All Seasons: : frank John Dixie Barnjum, Conservationist, Pulpwood Embargoist and Speculator!