The Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science
La Revue canadienne des sciences de l’information et de bibliothéconomie

Volume 47, Number 3, 2024 Special Issue on Knowledge Organization and Nations Numéro spécial sur l’organisation des connaissances et les nations

Table of contents (8 articles)

Articles / Articles

  1. Lack of Collections as Data: Making Meaning out of the Films We Cannot See
  2. Vers un modèle de maturité pour la gestion documentaire augmentée dans les organisations contemporaines: composantes et stratégie de mise en oeuvre
  3. Canadian Perspectives: A Content Analysis of Selected English Language LIS Research

Book Reviews / Recension d’ouvrages

Special issue - Knowledge organization and nations

  1. Knowledge Organization and Nation Building
  2. Catalog Rhetoric as Nation-Building: A Textual Analysis of Smithsonian Anthropology Analog Records
  3. Mounting the Antelope: How the Early American Wild Became a Document
  4. Archival Description, Land, Settler Colonialism, and World-Building in the Collection des archives du Collège Sainte-Marie


Back issues of The Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science / La Revue canadienne des sciences de l’information et de bibliothéconomie