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Hudon, Raymond. "Schott, Jeffrey J., et Smith, Murray G. (eds), The Canada-United States Free trade Agreement : The Global Impact. Washington, Institute for International Economics (en collaboration avec The Institute for Research on Public Policy, Canada), 1988, x + 202 p." Études internationales, volume 21, number 1, 1990, p. 217–219.
Hudon, R. (1990). Review of [Schott, Jeffrey J., et Smith, Murray G. (eds), The Canada-United States Free trade Agreement : The Global Impact. Washington, Institute for International Economics (en collaboration avec The Institute for Research on Public Policy, Canada), 1988, x + 202 p.] Études internationales, 21(1), 217–219.
- Chicago
Hudon, Raymond "Schott, Jeffrey J., et Smith, Murray G. (eds), The Canada-United States Free trade Agreement : The Global Impact. Washington, Institute for International Economics (en collaboration avec The Institute for Research on Public Policy, Canada), 1988, x + 202 p.". Études internationales 21, no. 1 (1990) : 217–219.
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