Études internationales
Managing editor(s): Delphine Allès (Directrice), Gilles Bertrand (Directeur), Auriane Guilbaud (Directrice), Franck Petiteville (Directeur), Jonathan Paquin (Directeur) / Editor(s): Catherine Lille (Rédactrice), Martine Cormier (Assistante de la direction)
Études internationales is an academic journal published by Université Laval’s School of High International Studies in Québec City. The journal’s mission is to bring scholarly analysis of international phenomena in French to a specialized academic and non-academic readership. Études internationales publishes some 20 scientific texts each year. They are now displayed in three issues (previously four).
Études internationales is a multidisciplinary French-language quarterly founded in 1970 to discuss international relations, development, and trade, including business. It publishes analysis in social sciences disciplines concerned with international problems, including political science, economics, law, history, geography, sociology, anthropology, and psychology.
Études internationales is also a general review of international relations. It publishes work on every aspect of the international system—present, past, and future—as well as on state-to-state relations, public and private international organizations, transnational forces, global economic problems, international ideologies, the processes and internal factors influencing states’ foreign policy, and the theory and methodology of international studies.
All manuscripts submitted to the journal are subject to peer review. Articles must be of clear interest for their scholarly analysis of international phenomena: straightforward descriptions or chronological narratives will not be considered. Études internationales does however publish brief notes in which events, institutions, or ideas may be analyzed from a more descriptive standpoint.
The journal has adopted a plagiarism policy to protect copyrights and ensure that the articles it publishes are new.
Études internationales is available online at Érudit, Québec’s digital library of scholarly publications.
Texts become open-access one year after publication. More recent materials are accessible to Érudit institutional subscribers and their members.
Études internationales is permanently archived on Portico.
- Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (csa), San Diego, (Californie)
- America : History and Life
- Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de Sciences Po, Paris (www.sciences-po.fr)
- cpi.q (Thomson Gale, Michigan)
- Current Military and Political Literature (The Military Press, Oxford)
- Documentation économique (insee, Paris)
- Documentation politique internationale/International Political Sciences Abstracts (Paris)
- Annuaire français de droit international (Paris)
- Foreign Language Index (pais, New York)
- Historical Abstracts
- Index de périodiques canadiens
- Peace Research Abstracts
- Repère : index analytique de périodiques de langue française
- Liste mensuelle d’articles sélectionnés (Genève)
- Répertoire de publications sériées canadiennes (Vancouver)
- Social Science Citation Index
- Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory (New York)
- International Bibliography of the Social Science (ibss, Londres)
Contact us
rei@eti.ulaval.ca T 418 656-2131, poste 407530
To submit an article or a book review, please login on our Open Journal Systems (OJS) submissions management platform.
A subscription is required to have access to issues disseminated in the last 12 months of publication for this journal.
Institutional digital subscription: Institutions (library, documentation centre, school, etc.) have the possibility to subscribe to Érudit journals by title or by title package. For more information, we invite institutions to fill out our subscription form.
Individual digital subscription: individuals wanting to receive a PDF version of the journal are invited to communicate directly with us:
rei@eti.ulaval.ca T 418 6562131, poste 407530
Subscription fees (via the Journal website)
Back issues (205 issues)
Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.
Volume 54, Number 3, 2023
Fabriquer la recherche en temps de pandémie en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient : vers une redéfinition des clivages Nords-Suds ? -
Volume 54, Number 2, Summer 2023
La guerre en Ukraine deux ans après -
Volume 54, Number 1, Spring 2023
Développementalisme et politiques sociales depuis 1945
Volume 54, Number 3, 2023
Editorial policy and ethics
All manuscripts received by the editor are referred to a review committee before acceptance for publication (double-blind peer review). Articles must be of clear interest for their scholarly analysis of international phenomena: straightforward descriptions or chronological narratives will not be considered. Études internationales does however publish brief notes in which events, institutions, or ideas may be analyzed from a more descriptive standpoint. Manuscripts must also adhere to submission and style guidelines and must not exceed 9,000 words including notes and bibliography.
All submissions must be made on the Open Journal Systems (OJS) submissions management platform (see Instructions for authors).
Some 20 articles and notes are published each year.
- Submissions must be original work not being considered for publication elsewhere: Simultaneous submissions are not accepted.
- Articles are made up of a theory-based problem, research question, and the results of original research.
- Notes are less concerned with theory than articles but still present original research.
- Texts deemed by the editors to meet the journal’s editorial policy are submitted to double-blind review by two experts in the field. A third expert may be approached if the opinions of the initial reviewers are clearly contradictory.
- Manuscripts failing to conform to the submission and style guidelines will be returned to the authors to be corrected.
- The editors reserve the right to make certain alterations in form to the texts submitted.
Submission and style guidelines for manuscripts are available (in French) on the journal's OJS platform. They are also available on the journal website. See the protocol for the presentation of manuscripts .
Book review policy
All review articles must be submitted on the Open Journal Systems (OJS) submissions management platform (see Instructions for authors).
Roughly 10 reviews are published in each issue. Books reviewed have been published in the preceding 24 months in the following fields:
- Theory, method, and ideas
- International law
- International economics
- History and diplomacy
- Environment
- International cooperation and development
- International organizations
- Strategic and security studies
- Globalization and transnationalism
- Foreign policy analysis
- Regionalism and regions (Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, the Middle East)
Book reviews are a vital part of scholarly publishing and enrich the entire discipline. It is therefore important that they provide a critical assessment and situate the book within its field, i.e., international relations, political science, law, and so forth. Our «responsable des recensions» (reviews coordinator) is in charge of evaluating and correcting reviews.
Anti-Plagiarism Policy
The Journal does not accept plagiarized material, including from the author’s own work.
Plagiarism is defined as copying an author’s work without citing or mentioning that author, regardless of the ratio of new to copied material. Self‑plagiarism is also prohibited.
To avoid any misunderstanding, authors must follow the manuscript protocol (in French), which provides clear instructions for citing sources.
Plagiarism is detected by the Journal’s anonymous evaluators.
Any article found to contain plagiarism is immediately pulled from the production process. Any further article the author submits to the Journal will be rejected. If it is not a clear instance of plagiarism, the author will be asked to explain and correct the article.
Information for contributors
Authors retain copyright of their work. They do however sign an agreement granting sole and exclusive first publication right and license to Études internationales and specifying contract terms.
- Notwithstanding a written agreement to the contrary, articles submitted to the Journal cannot have been published previously and cannot be simultaneously considered by another journal for publication.
- The author declares that the article is original and that he or she is the author and holds the rights to the article.
- The author grants the Journal an exclusive first publication licence and a non‑exclusive licence to reproduce and distribute the article, in whole or in part.
- The author agrees to mention that the article was first published in the Journal when it appears, in whole or in part, in any subsequent work written or edited by the author. The author also agrees to send the Journal any stipulated authorization to reproduce the work.
Open Access Journals (Author Archiving)
- In accordance with the vision of open science expressed in the Budapest Declaration of 2002, the author can post and share the article formatted according to the Journal’s graphic standards on his or her personal webpage and archive it in a central or institutional archive.
- Articles must be of obvious interest from the point of view of the academic analysis of international facts. The academic article closely combines theory and empiricism i.e. the original research results presented derive their meaning directly from the theoretical construction underlying the researcher's questioning.
- The research note also presents original research results but without this close link with the theory.
- As for the essay, it presents a very thorough, rigorous and supported reflection on a relevant subject. The journal sometimes publishes essays, and regularly bibliographic essays.
The submission of book reviews follows a particular protocol. You must be part of the Journal's reviewers bank, and therefore contact the editorial team.
All manuscripts and book reviews must be submitted on the Open Journal Systems (OJS) submissions management platform.
Editorial board
International Comity
Bertrand Badie, Sciences Po Paris, France
Jean Barréa, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Philippe Braillard, Geneva University, Swizerland
Marijke Breuning, University of North Texas
- Jeffry Alan Frieden, Department of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass
Jacques Lévesque, UQAM, Montréal, Canada
Kim R. Nossal, Department of political science, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada
Sylvia Ostry, Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, Canada
Janice Stein, University of Toronto, Canada
Editorial Comity
- Mehdi Abbas, Université Grenoble Alpes
- Marie Bassi, Université de Nice Côte d’Azur
- Marie Brossier, Université Laval
- Elodie Brun, Centre d’études internationales du Colegio de México
- Anne-Marie D’Aoust, Université du Québec à Montréal
- Samuel Faure, Sciences Po St Germain-en-Laye
- Yvan Guichaoua, Brussels School of International Studies (University of Kent)
- Jean-Vincent Holeindre, Science politique, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas
- Sandrine Kott, Université de Genève
- Evelyne Lagrange, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
- Lucile Maertens, Université de Lausanne
- Eric Mottet, Université du Québec à Montréal
- Amandine Orsini, Université St Louis de Bruxelles
- Mohamed-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou, Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement de Genève
- Roland Paris, École supérieure d’affaires publiques et internationales, Université d’Ottawa
- Vincent Pouliot, McGill University
- Frédéric Ramel, Sciences Po Paris
- Jean-Philippe Thérien, Université de Montréal
- Simon Tordjman, Sciences Po Toulouse
- Marie-Joëlle Zahar, Université de Montréal
Acting Director
Philippe Bourbeau, Department of Political Science, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada
Board of directors
- Delphine Allès, INALCO, Paris
- Gilles Bertrand, Sciences Po Bordeaux
- Auriane Guilbaud, Université Paris VIII
- Franck Petiteville, Sciences Po Grenoble
Catherine Lille
Reviews manager
Manuel Dorion-Soulié, Ph.D. candidate, The Graduate Institute, Geneva, Switzerland
Assistant to the director
Martine Cormier