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Beylerian, Onnig. "HENKIN, Louis, HOFFMANN, Stanley, KIRKPATRICK, Jeane J. & GERSON, Allan, ROGERS, William D., SCHEFFER, David J. Right v. Might : International Law and the Use of Force. Second Edition. New York, Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1991,212 p." Études internationales, volume 24, number 3, 1993, p. 709–711.
Beylerian, O. (1993). Review of [HENKIN, Louis, HOFFMANN, Stanley, KIRKPATRICK, Jeane J. & GERSON, Allan, ROGERS, William D., SCHEFFER, David J. Right v. Might : International Law and the Use of Force. Second Edition. New York, Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1991,212 p.] Études internationales, 24(3), 709–711.
- Chicago
Beylerian, Onnig "HENKIN, Louis, HOFFMANN, Stanley, KIRKPATRICK, Jeane J. & GERSON, Allan, ROGERS, William D., SCHEFFER, David J. Right v. Might : International Law and the Use of Force. Second Edition. New York, Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1991,212 p.". Études internationales 24, no. 3 (1993) : 709–711.
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