First Peoples Child & Family Review
An Interdisciplinary Journal Honouring the Voices, Perspectives, and Knowledges of First Peoples through Research, Critical Analyses, Stories, Standpoints and Media Reviews

Volume 7, Number 1, 2012

Table of contents (9 articles)


  1. Aboriginal Youth Gangs in Canada: (de)constructing an epidemic
  2. “But how could anyone rationalize policies that discriminate?: Understanding Canada’s Failure to Implement Jordan’s Principle
  3. Children for Social Justice
  4. Inuit Youth Transitioning out of Residential Care: Obstacles to Re-integration and Challenges to Wellness
  5. Jumping through hoops: An overview of the experiences and perspectives of Aboriginal mothers involved with child welfare in Manitoba
  6. Nog-da-win-da-min: A Collaborative Consultation with First Nations about Children’s Well-being
  7. Influence de l’estime de soi, des qualités relationnelles parents-enfants, du soutien social et de l’agression sexuelle sur la résilience auprès d’adolescents autochtones et caucasiens
  8. Can Spiritual Ecograms be Utilized in Mental Health Services to Promote Culturally Appropriate Family and Couples Therapy with Indigenous People?
  9. Early Learning for Aboriginal Children: Past, Present and Future and an Exploration of the Aboriginal Head Start Urban and Northern Communities Program in Ontario

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