Le deuil périnatal est un deuil complexe à cause des multiples implications pour les parents. L’impact de ce deuil est mal compris et minimisé par l’entourage qui ne donne pas le soutien adéquat. Des infirmières du Centre hospitalier Pierre-Boucher à Longueuil assurent le suivi de deuil périnatal depuis 1991 et ont accompagné plus de 450 familles. Un accompagnement professionnel brise l’isolement des parents et leur permet d’exprimer leur souffrance favorisant une progression saine du deuil. Cet accompagnement améliore la compréhension dans le couple et diminue les répercussions négatives sur la famille. Il a avantage à se continuer durant la grossesse suivante.
Mots-clés :
- deuil périnatal,
- père,
- mère,
- accompagnement
Perinatal grief is very intricate and complex because of the various implications for the parents. The impact of perinatal grief is not well understood by relatives and often played down. Some nurses of the Centre hospitalier Pierre-Boucher de Longueuil have been providing perinatal mourning follow-up since 1991 and have helped more than 450 families. A professional follow-up breaks the parents’ loneliness and gives them manage opportunity to express their suffering in a positive way, thereby helping them get through their grief. The follow-up improves the dialogue and understanding within the couple and reduces the negative repercussions on family members. The professional help should also be continued during the next pregnancy.
- perinatal mourning,
- father,
- mother,
- monitoring
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