Géographie physique et Quaternaire

Volume 46, Number 3, 1992 Le 150e anniversaire de la Commision géologique du Canada The 150th Anniversary of the Geological Survey of Canada Guest-edited by Lynda A. Dredge

Table of contents (17 articles)

  1. Preface : the 150th Anniversary of the Geological Survey of Canada / Préface : le 150e anniversaire de la fondation de la Commission géologique du Canada
  2. William H. Mathews, Recipient of the 1991 W.A. Johnston Medal
  3. Climatic Influences of Deglacial Drainage Changes in Southern Canada at 10 to 8 ka Suggested by Pollen Evidence
  4. Contribution à l’histoire postglaciaire de la végétation en Gaspésie méridionale, Québec
  5. Analyses macrofossiles d’un dépot de tourbe dans la région de Hot Weather Creek, péninsule de Fosheim, île d’Ellesmere, Territoires du Nord-Ouest
  6. A Basin Analysis of the Wabigoon Area of Lake Agassiz, a Quaternary Clay Basin in Northwerstern Ontario
  7. Depositional Environments and History of Late Quaternary Sediments in Hudson Strait and Ungava Bay: Further Evidence from Seismic and Biostratigraphic Data
  8. Marine Geology of Baie des Chaleurs / La géologie marine de la baie des Chaleurs
  9. The Gravity Signature of a Large Quaternary Depocentre off Southeastern Canada
  10. Nature, Origin, and Age Relationships of Landscape Complexes in Southwestern Saskatchewan

Comptes rendus

  1. Rachocki, A.H. et Church M., édit., (1990) : Alluvial Fans. A Field Approach. John Wiley, New York, 391 p., 226 fig., 21 tabl., 19 x 25 cm, 59, 50 US.
  2. Dawson, Alastair, G. (1992) : Ice Age Earth : Late Quaternary Geology and Climate, Routledge, London and New York, xx + 293 p., 81 fig., 16 pl., index, 15,5 x 23,5 cm, 25$ US.
  3. Marsh, P. et Ommaney, C.S.L., édit., Mackenzie Delta. Environmental Interactions and Implications of Development. Proceedings of the Workshop on the Mackenzie Delta, 17-18 October 1989, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. National Hydrology Research Institute, Environment Canada, Saskatoon, xiv + 195 p., ill., 14 x 24 cm.
  4. Guigo, M., Allier, C., Chapot, A., Chapot-Blanquet, M. et Dauphiné, A. (1991) : Gestion de l’environnement et études d’impact. Collection Géographie, Masson, Paris, 231 p., 94 fig., 16 x 24 cm, 58,70$ can.
  5. Lliboutry, Louis (1992) : Sciences géométriques et télédétection. Masson, Paris, xiv + 289 p., 179 fig., 8 tabl., 18 x 24,5 cm, 480 FF. ISBN 2-225-82542-X
  6. Barrett, Eric C., Brown, Krystyna, A. et Micallef, Anton (réd.) (1991) : Remote Sensing for Hazard Monitoring and Disaster Assessment: Marine and Costal Applications in the Mediteranean Region. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Philadelphia, xii + 240 p., 68 fig., 34 tabl., 15,5 x 23,5 cm, 45$ US. ISBN 2-88124-809-8.
  1. Index du volume 46 — 1992

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