International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

Volume 2, Number 1, July 2001

Table of contents (15 articles)


Research Articles

  1. A Critique of Stephen Downes' Article, "Learning Objects": A Perspective from Bahrain
  2. Patterns of Interaction in a Computer Conference Transcript
  3. USQ: An E-university For An E-world
  4. The Technological Consolidation of UNED of Spain
  5. Issues and Challenges of Providing Online Inservice Teacher Training: Korea's Experience
  6. Interactive Television in Schools: An Australian Study of the Tensions of Educational Technology and Change
  7. Learning Objects: Resources For Distance Education Worldwide
  8. A Critique Of Stephen Downes' Article, "Learning Objects": A Middle Eastern Perspective
  9. A Critique of Stephen Downes’ Article, “Learning Objects”: A Chinese Perspective

Research Notes

Book Notes


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