International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

Volume 3, Number 1, April 2002

Table of contents (17 articles)


  1. Editorial

Research Articles

  1. An Assessment of the Effectiveness of e-learning in Corporate Training Programs
  2. Cooperation vs. Deliberation: Computer Mediated Conferencing and the Problem of Argument in International Distance Education
  3. Distance Learning for Food Security and Rural Development: A Perspective from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
  4. The Development of Social Climate in Virtual Learning Discussion Groups
  5. Building Sense of Community at a Distance

Research Notes

  1. Towards a Strategy for Improved Student Retention in Programmes of Open, Distance Education: A Case Study from the Open University UK
  2. Electronic Tutorials: Indonesian experience
  3. Online Learning Activities: Beginning an international collaboration

Book Notes

Technical Notes

  1. 6. Chat and Instant Messaging Systems
  2. 7. Software Evaluation Criteria and Terminology
  3. 8. Fully Featured vs. Lean-and-Mean?
  4. 9. Dual-Platform Products (PC and Mac)
  5. 10. Evaluating Vendor Supplied Information


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