International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

Volume 3, numéro 1, avril 2002

Sommaire (17 articles)


  1. Editorial

Research Articles

  1. An Assessment of the Effectiveness of e-learning in Corporate Training Programs
  2. Cooperation vs. Deliberation: Computer Mediated Conferencing and the Problem of Argument in International Distance Education
  3. Distance Learning for Food Security and Rural Development: A Perspective from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
  4. The Development of Social Climate in Virtual Learning Discussion Groups
  5. Building Sense of Community at a Distance

Research Notes

  1. Towards a Strategy for Improved Student Retention in Programmes of Open, Distance Education: A Case Study from the Open University UK
  2. Electronic Tutorials: Indonesian experience
  3. Online Learning Activities: Beginning an international collaboration

Book Notes

Technical Notes

  1. 6. Chat and Instant Messaging Systems
  2. 7. Software Evaluation Criteria and Terminology
  3. 8. Fully Featured vs. Lean-and-Mean?
  4. 9. Dual-Platform Products (PC and Mac)
  5. 10. Evaluating Vendor Supplied Information


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