University teachers are the main players when it comes to integrating e-learning systems into higher education institutions. Prior studies have identified four main antecedents that explain teachers’ technology acceptance in the educational context: (a) subjective norms (SN), (b) technological complexity (TC), (c) constructivist beliefs (CB), and (d) motivation for instrumental use (MOT). In this study, we proposed and tested the dual roles of MOT, one as a causal variable and the other as a mediating variable, to explain university teachers’ acceptance of e-learning systems. To test the research model, we collected data from 174 teachers at a large public university in Malaysia using a self-administered survey. Our study shows that MOT mediates the direct effects of SN, TC, and CB on perceived ease of use (PEOU), perceived usefulness (PU), and behavioural intention (BI). This study offers important policy insight for university administrators who seek to enhance acceptance of e-learning systems among university teachers.
- E-learning,
- university teachers,
- behavioural intention,
- constructivist beliefs,
- motivation for instrumental use
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