In 1982, about two months before he died, Glenn Gould conducted a Toronto chamber orchestra to record Richard Wagner’s Siegfried Idyll. Reactions to the recording, eventually released in 1990, varied dramatically: while the Pulitzer Prize–winning critic and Gould scholar Tim Page considered it “a reading of melting and surpassing tenderness,” the composer-conductor Gunther Schuller, also a Pulitzer Prize winner, declared it “the most inept, amateurish, wrong-headed rendition of a major classic ever put to vinyl.” In light of that extreme divergence of opinion, this article examines the recording, Gould’s conducting, and the critical reception to both.
En 1982, environ deux mois avant sa mort, Glenn Gould a dirigé un orchestre de chambre de Toronto pour enregistrer Siegfried Idyll, de Richard Wagner. Les réactions à l’enregistrement, finalement sorti en 1990, varient énormément. Alors que Tim Page, lauréat du prix Pulitzer et spécialiste de Gould, le considère comme « une interprétation d’une tendresse émouvante et incomparable », Gunther Schuller, compositeur, chef d’orchestre et autre lauréat du prix Pulitzer, l’a qualifié d’« interprétation la plus inepte, la moins professionnelle et la plus aberrante jamais gravée sur vinyle d’une oeuvre majeure du répertoire classique ». À la lumière de cette divergence d’opinions extrême, l’auteur examine l’enregistrement, la direction d’orchestre de Gould et la réception des deux par la critique.
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Biographical note
Timothy Maloney has been the head of the Music Library and an adjunct professor of music at the University of Minnesota for the past decade. Previously he was the director of the Music Division at the National Library of Canada, where Glenn Gould’s archives were under his care. He has spoken and written extensively about Gould, curated exhibitions drawn from Gould’s archives that travelled nationally and internationally, created the award-winning Glenn Gould Archive website, and in 1982 played first clarinet in the chamber orchestra that recorded Wagner’s Siegfried Idyll under Gould’s direction.
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