This note is a reflection on experiences as an educational leader, as well as provides a perspective on educational leadership, based on professional reading. It offers the metaphor of the coach, initiating a case for using a coaching philosophy as a model for a sustained form of leadership. It invites the reader to consider that with a game plan and a coaching mindset, a school can reach its full potential.
Ce texte présente une réflexion sur mon expérience en tant que leader éducationnel, ainsi que ma perspective sur le sujet, basée sur des lectures professionnelles. Utilisant la métaphore du coach, il présente l’idée d’adopter une philosophie d’entraîneur pour mettre en place une forme de leadership durable. Il encourage le lecteur à considérer l’idée qu’à l’aide d’un plan de match et d’une attitude de coach, un établissement scolaire peut atteindre son plein potentiel.
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Biographical note
Nancy Matthews has been a school principal for the last ten years and is currently a PhD student in Education Studies and a part time university instructor to graduate students. She has worked as a classroom teacher, district mentor, school vice principal, district education supervisor, and district director of finance and administration. Nancy has other articles published and her current research is in the area of educational leadership and decision-making. Nancy was the 2015 recipient of the New Brunswick Vince Sunderland Memorial Award for Outstanding Educational Leadership and received the Lieutenant-Governor’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration in 2016.
- Assess. (n.d.). In Oxford dictionaries (11th ed.). Retrieved from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/assess
- Carr, J. F., Herman, N., & Harris, D. E. (2005). Creating dynamic schools through mentoring, coaching, and collaboartaion. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
- Davies, A., & Herbst, S. (2013). Assessment in the service of learning. Education Canada, 53(3), 17-19.
- DuFour, R., & Eaker, R. (1998). Professional learning communities at work: Best practices for enhancing student achievement. Bloomington, IN: National Educational Service.
- DuFour, R., & Mattos, M. (2013). How do principals really improve schools? Educational Leadership, 70(7), 34-40.
- Gregory, K., Cameron, C., & Davies, A. (2011). The knowing what counts series: Setting and using criteria; self-assessment and goal setting; conferencing and reporting. Courtney, BC: Connections.
- Gross Cheliotes, L., & Fleming Reilly, M. (2010). Coaching conversation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
- Hattie, J. (2012). Visible learning for teachers, maximizing impact on learning. Abingdon, OX: Routledge.
- Maxwell, J. (2005). The 360° leader: Developing your influence from anywhere in the organization. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.
- Stanley, A. (2003). Next generation leader: Five essentials for those who will shape the future. Colorado Springs, CO: Multnomah Books.
- Stobart, G. (2014). The expert learner: Challenging the myth of ability. Berkshire, England: Open University Press.
Note biographique
Nancy Matthews a été directrice d’école au cours des dix dernières années. Elle est couramment doctorante en sciences de l’éducation et chargée de cours à temps partiel à la maîtrise. Elle a oeuvré comme enseignante, mentor au sein d’un district, directrice-adjointe dans une école, superviseure en éducation et directrice des finances et de l’administration d’un district. En plus de cette Note, Nancy a publié d’autres articles et effectue actuellement des recherches dans le domaine du leadership éducationnel et de la prise de décision. En 2015, elle a reçu le Vince Sunderland Memorial Award for Outstanding Educational Leadership, prix remis au Nouveau-Brunswick par le New Brunswick Teachers’ Association. Elle a aussi reçu le Lieutenant-Governor’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration en 2016.