Philosophical Inquiry in Education

Volume 25, Number 1, 2018

Table of contents (11 articles)

Research Articles

  1. The War on Public Education: Agonist Democracy and the Fight for Schools as Public Things
  2. Cosmopolitan Education in Agonistic Morality: Epistemological Restraint, Discourse Ethics, and Agonistic Pluralism
  3. Learning to be Moved: The Modes of Democratic Responsiveness
  4. The End of Education? Nietzsche, Foucault, Genealogy
  5. The Examination of the Decline of Philosophy of Education with Institutional Theory: A Focus on the Last Three Decades

Dialogue and Debate

  1. Anti-“Heterosexist” Education and the Stigmatization of Some Roman Catholic Beliefs
  2. A Reply to Gaon

Book Reviews

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