Canada's Journal on Refugees
Revue canadienne sur les réfugiés

Volume 38, Number 2, 2022

Table of contents (15 articles)


  1. Grandmothers Behind the Scenes: Subordinate Integration, Care Work, and Power in Syrian Canadian Refugee Resettlement
  2. Classe sociale et contexte d’asile : les parcours d’exil réfugié.e.s réinstallé.e.s au Canada
  3. Coping with Stressors by Drawing on Social Supports: The Experiences of Adolescent Syrian Refugees in Canada
  4. Un geste d’hospitalité aux demandeurs d’asile : une analyse de la mobilisation du collectif « Bridges not Borders – Créons des ponts »
  5. Life beyond Refuge: A System Theory of Change for Supporting Refugee Newcomers
  6. The Mental Health of Male Sexual Minority Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Nairobi, Kenya: A Qualitative Assessment
  7. Print Rights with a Thousand Masks: Migrant Vulnerability, Resistance and Human Rights Law
  8. Syrian Refugees’ Participation in Language Classes: Motivators and Barriers
  9. Montreal’s Sanctuary Policy for Non-Status Migrants: Opportunity and Obstacles

Book Reviews / Recensions d’ouvrages

Film Review / Comptes-rendus de films


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