Renaissance and Reformation
Renaissance et Réforme

Volume 47, Number 3, Summer 2024

Table of contents (29 articles)


  1. Buds of Jewish–Christian Dialogue in a German Milieu: Caspar Amman (c. 1450–c. 1524) and His Hebrew Correspondence
  2. Mystical Terms in Johannes Altenstaig’s Vocabularius theologiae (1517)
  3. Manuscript Sources and Medial Transfer in the Research of Early Modern Disputations: From Administration to Exchange of Knowledge
  4. Wives, Widows, Daughters, and Guildswomen: Female Workers in Sixteenth-Century Florentine Taverns and Inns
  5. New Modes of Materiality in the Angoysses douloureuses qui procedent d’amours (1538) by Hélisenne de Crenne

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

  1. Albertoni, Marco. Italian Reformation and Religious Dissent of the Sixteenth Century: A Bibliography (1998–2020). With an Historiographical Introduction by Vincenzo Lavenia
  2. Beaujeu, Christofle de. Les Amours. Éd. Ugo Pais
  3. Boitel, Isaure et Yann Lignereux, dir. Convaincre, persuader, manipuler. Rhétoriques partisanes à l’épreuve de la propagande (XVe–XVIIIe siècle)
  4. Butterwick, Richard. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 1733–1795: Light and Flame
  5. Campana, Joseph. Shakespeare’s Once and Future Child: Speculations on Sovereignty
  6. Campbell, Julie D. Women, Entertainment, and Precursors of the French Salon, 1532–1615
  7. Carle, Lancelot de. The Story of the Death of Anne Boleyn: A Poem by Lancelot de Carle. Trans., ed., and essays by JoAnn DellaNeva
  8. Doiron, Normand. L’âme captive. Une histoire des traités de cour (XVIe–XVIIe siècles). Préface de Bernard Beugnot
  9. Domínguez Torres, Mónica. Pearls for the Crown: Art, Nature, and Race in the Age of Spanish Expansion
  10. Dover, Paul M. The Information Revolution in Early Modern Europe
  11. Firpo, Massimo. Pontormo’s Frescoes in San Lorenzo: Heresy, Politics and Culture in the Florence of Cosimo I. Trans. Richard Bates
  12. Gamble, Joseph. Sex Lives: Intimate Infrastructures in Early Modernity
  13. Goy-Blanquet, Dominique. From the Domesday Book to Shakespeare’s Globe: The Legal and Political Heritage of Elizabethan Drama
  14. Hokama, Rhema. Devotional Experience and Erotic Knowledge in the Literary Culture of the English Reformation
  15. Kelly, Samantha. Translating Faith: Ethiopian Pilgrims in Renaissance Rome
  16. Lee, Alexander, and Brian Jeffrey Maxson, eds. The Culture and Politics of Regime Change in Italy, c. 1494–c. 1559
  17. Le Floc’h, Justine et Alicia Viaud, dir. Les vices du temps. Précipitation, impatience et inquiétude aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles
  18. McLaughlin, Martin. Leon Battista Alberti: Writer and Humanist
  19. Nussdorfer, Laurie. City of Men: Service and Servants in Baroque Rome
  20. Pilliod, Elizabeth. Pontormo at San Lorenzo: The Making and Meaning of a Lost Renaissance Masterpiece
  21. Ribouillault, Denis. The Villa Barbaro at Maser: Science, Philosophy, and the Family in Venetian Renaissance Art
  22. Wareh, Patricia. Courteous Exchanges: Spenser’s and Shakespeare’s Gentle Dialogues with Readers and Audiences

Books Received / Livres reçus



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