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- Bordogna, L. 2008. « Moral Hazard, Transaction Costs and the Reform of Public Service Employment Relations ». European Journal of Industrial Relations, 14 (4), 381-400.
- Clark, D. 2002. « Neoliberalism and Public Service Reform: Canada in Comparative Perspective ». Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue canadienne de science politique, 35 (4), 771-793.
- Fairbrother, P., A. Junor, J. O’Brien, M. O’Donnell et G. Williams. 2012. Unions and Globalization: Governments, Management, and the State at Work. London: Routledge.
- Glassner, V. 2010. « The Public Sector in Crisis ». Working Paper 2010.07. Bruxelles: European Trade Union Institute.
- Goldfinch, S. et J. Wallis. 2010. « Two Myths of Convergence in Public Management Reform ». Public Administration, 88 (4), 1099-1115.
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- Kirkpatrick, I. et K. Hoque. 2005. « The Decentralisation of Employment Relations in the British Public Sector ». Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (2), 100-120.
- Lewin, D. 2012. « Effects of Deep Recession on Public Sector Pay, Benefits, and Employment ». Public Jobs and Political Agendas: The Public Sector in an Era of Economic Stress. D.J.B. Mitchell, dir. Urbana: School of Labor and Employment Relations, Labor and Employment Relations Series, 13-40.
- Martinez Lucio, M. 2007. « The Public Sector, ‘Old Welfare States’ and the Politics of Managerialism ». International Journal of Public Sector Management, 20 (1), 5-15.
- Rose, J.B., G.N. Chaison et E. de la Garza. 2000. « A Comparative Analysis of Public Sector Restructuring in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean ». Journal of Labor Research, 21 (4), 601-625.
- Bach, S. and L. Bordogna. 2011. “Varieties of New Public Management or Alternatives Models? The Reform of Public Service Employment Relations in Industrialized Democracies.” The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22 (11), 2281-2294.
- Bordogna, L. 2008. “Moral Hazard, Transaction Costs and the Reform of Public Service Employment Relations.” European Journal of Industrial Relations, 14 (4), 381-400.
- Clark, D. 2002. “Neoliberalism and Public Service Reform: Canada in Comparative Perspective.” Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue canadienne de science politique, 35 (4), 771-793.
- Fairbrother, P., A. Junor, J. O’Brien, M. O’Donnell and G. Williams. 2012. Unions and Globalization: Governments, Management, and the State at Work. London: Routledge.
- Glassner, V. 2010. “The Public Sector in Crisis.” Working Paper 2010.07. Bruxelles: European Trade Union Institute.
- Goldfinch, S. and J. Wallis. 2010. “Two Myths of Convergence in Public Management Reform.” Public Administration, 88 (4), 1099-1115.
- Grenier, J.-N. 2009. “La restructuration du secteur public: la fin de l’employeur-modèle?” Main-d’oeuvre et conditions de travail: vers de nouveaux arrimages. R. Laflamme, ed. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval.
- Kirkpatrick, I. and K. Hoque. 2005. “The Decentralisation of Employment Relations in the British Public Sector.” Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (2), 100-120.
- Lewin, D. 2012. “Effects of Deep Recession on Public Sector Pay, Benefits, and Employment.” Public Jobs and Political Agendas: The Public Sector in an Era of Economic Stress. D. J. B. Mitchell, ed. Urbana: School of Labor and Employment Relations, Labor and Employment Relations Series, 13-40.
- Martinez Lucio, M. 2007. “The Public Sector, ‘Old Welfare States’ and the Politics of Managerialism.” International Journal of Public Sector Management, 20 (1), 5-15.
- Rose, J. B., G. N. Chaison and E. de la Garza. 2000. “A Comparative Analysis of Public Sector Restructuring in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean.” Journal of Labor Research, 21 (4), 601-625.