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Castiel, Élie. "Face to Face : Liv Ullmann and Film, Per Haddal, Oslo : The Norwegian Film Institute, The Norwegian Film Institute Series 13, 2000, 1104 pages." Séquences, number 215, september–october 2001, p. 11–11.
Castiel, É. (2001). Review of [Face to Face : Liv Ullmann and Film, Per Haddal, Oslo : The Norwegian Film Institute, The Norwegian Film Institute Series 13, 2000, 1104 pages]. Séquences, (215), 11–11.
- Chicago
Castiel, Élie "Face to Face : Liv Ullmann and Film, Per Haddal, Oslo : The Norwegian Film Institute, The Norwegian Film Institute Series 13, 2000, 1104 pages". Séquences no. 215 (2001) : 11–11.
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