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Michaud-Lapointe, Alice. "The past in visual culture : essays on memory, nostalgia and the media de Jilly Boyce Kay, Cat Mahoney et Caitlin Shaw (dir.) / Nostalgic generations and media : perception of time and available meaning de Ryan Lizardi." Spirale, number 266, fall 2018, p. 45–47.
Michaud-Lapointe, A. (2018). Review of [The past in visual culture : essays on memory, nostalgia and the media de Jilly Boyce Kay, Cat Mahoney et Caitlin Shaw (dir.) / Nostalgic generations and media : perception of time and available meaning de Ryan Lizardi]. Spirale, (266), 45–47.
- Chicago
Michaud-Lapointe, Alice "The past in visual culture : essays on memory, nostalgia and the media de Jilly Boyce Kay, Cat Mahoney et Caitlin Shaw (dir.) / Nostalgic generations and media : perception of time and available meaning de Ryan Lizardi". Spirale no. 266 (2018) : 45–47.
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