Volume 23, numéro 2, spring 1994
Sommaire (18 articles)
Contributors / Collaborateurs
Editor's Note / Note du Directeur
One Hundred Years of Fishery Crises in Newfoundland
"Have You No Manhood In You?":: Gender and Class in the Cape Breton Coal Towns, 1920-1926
Canada's "Newfyjohn" Tenancy:: The Royal Canadian Navy in St. John's, 1941-1945
Continentalism and Philanthropy:: A Rockefeller Officer's Impressions of the Humanities in the Maritimes, 1942
"We Must Speculate to Accumulate!":: Mineral Development and the Limits of State Intervention, New Brunswick, 1952-1960
Review Essays / Notes Critiques
Pour une approche pluridisciplinaire de la recherche sur la culture maritime
Wood, Wind and Merchant Capital
Recent Black Maritime Studies
The Great War and National Mythology
Business as Usual? Some Recent Business History
The Piper's Tune? The Scholarly Housing Boom
Another Look at The Atlantic Provinces in Confederation