This essay appears in What We See: Advancing the Observations of Jane Jacobs (New Village Press 2010), an anthology co-published by New Village Press and The Center for the Living City collecting original essays by leading thinkers to honor the late Jane Jacobs, best-known for her first book, The Death and Life of Great American Cities. This essay explores nine different ways our own habits of perception affect our view of the culture of cities and their possible futures. An interactive website has been created for What We See at: www.whatwesee.org. Reprinted in this issue of Culture and Local Governance with permission of the author and New Village Press.
- urban development,
- city planning,
- community arts,
- community cultural development,
- graffiti art,
- Jane Jacobs,
- Paul Goodman
Cet essai est issu d’un ouvrage intitulé What We See: Advancing the Observations of Jane Jacobs (New Village Press 2010), une anthologie co-publiée par New Village Press et par le Center for the Living City et qui rassemble des textes originaux publiés par des auteurs prestigieux réunis afin d’honorer la mémoire de Jane Jacobs, mieux connue pour son premier ouvrage The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Cet essai explore neuf manières différentes d’aborder les perceptions et coutumes qui affectent notre compréhension de la culture des villes et leurs futurs possibles. Un site web interactif a été créé pour What We See at: www.whatwesee.org.
Mots-clés :
- développement urbain,
- planification locale,
- arts communautaires,
- développement culturel communautaire,
- graffiti,
- Jane Jacobs,
- Paul Goodman
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