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Léger, Georges A. « Foster, John et al. Energy for Development : An International Challenge. Prepared for the North-South Roundtable of the Society for International Development, New York, Praeger Publishers, 1981, 301 p. / Hoffmann, Thomas et Johnson, Brian. The World Energy Triangle : A Strategy for Cooperation. Cambridge (Mass.), Ballingher Publishing Company, 1981, 235 p. » Études internationales, volume 14, numéro 2, 1983, p. 372–375.
Léger, G. A. (1983). Compte rendu de [Foster, John et al. Energy for Development : An International Challenge. Prepared for the North-South Roundtable of the Society for International Development, New York, Praeger Publishers, 1981, 301 p. / Hoffmann, Thomas et Johnson, Brian. The World Energy Triangle : A Strategy for Cooperation. Cambridge (Mass.), Ballingher Publishing Company, 1981, 235 p.] Études internationales, 14(2), 372–375.
- Chicago
Léger, Georges A. « Foster, John et al. Energy for Development : An International Challenge. Prepared for the North-South Roundtable of the Society for International Development, New York, Praeger Publishers, 1981, 301 p. / Hoffmann, Thomas et Johnson, Brian. The World Energy Triangle : A Strategy for Cooperation. Cambridge (Mass.), Ballingher Publishing Company, 1981, 235 p. ». Études internationales 14, no 2 (1983) : 372–375.
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