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Kirschbaum, Stanislav. « BRAUN, Aurel, ed. The Soviet-East European Relationship in the Gorbatchev Era : The Prospects for Adaptation. Westview Press, Boulder, co., 1990, 261 p. / LISKA, George. Fallen Dominions, Reviving Power s. Germany, the Slavs, and Europe's Unfinished Agenda. The Johns Hopkins Foreign Policy Institute, Washington, DC, The Czechoslovak Institute of International Relations, Prague, 1990, 71 p. » Études internationales, volume 22, numéro 4, 1991, p. 871–872.
Kirschbaum, S. (1991). Compte rendu de [BRAUN, Aurel, ed. The Soviet-East European Relationship in the Gorbatchev Era : The Prospects for Adaptation. Westview Press, Boulder, co., 1990, 261 p. / LISKA, George. Fallen Dominions, Reviving Power s. Germany, the Slavs, and Europe's Unfinished Agenda. The Johns Hopkins Foreign Policy Institute, Washington, DC, The Czechoslovak Institute of International Relations, Prague, 1990, 71 p.] Études internationales, 22(4), 871–872.
- Chicago
Kirschbaum, Stanislav « BRAUN, Aurel, ed. The Soviet-East European Relationship in the Gorbatchev Era : The Prospects for Adaptation. Westview Press, Boulder, co., 1990, 261 p. / LISKA, George. Fallen Dominions, Reviving Power s. Germany, the Slavs, and Europe's Unfinished Agenda. The Johns Hopkins Foreign Policy Institute, Washington, DC, The Czechoslovak Institute of International Relations, Prague, 1990, 71 p. ». Études internationales 22, no 4 (1991) : 871–872.
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