Volume 13, numéro 2, 1991 Ethnologie régionale : les provinces maritimes Regional Folklore: The Maritimes Provinces
Sommaire (20 articles)
Evangeline in Louisiana: The Acadian-Cajun Connection
Narrative, Gender and Marginality: The Case Study of Ella Lauchner Smith
André-Thaddée Bourque : Auteur-informateur acadien
Broken Rings : Folksong and Occupational Transitions in the Maritime Provinces
Joseph-Thomas LeBlanc et le romancero inachevé
«C’est pas pour en insulter, c’est juste pour en ajouter» : les chansons de Léah Maddix
Making Ends Meet : The Way of the Prince Edward Island Fisherman’s Wife
Histoire orale et culture locale : Perspectives ethnologiques
“The Fate of Daniel Gwinn” : A Narrative Obituary Poem
Comptes rendus / Book Reviews
Ellen FACEY, Nguna Voices: Text and Culture from Central Vanuatu (Calgary, University of Calgary Press, 1988, Pp. 351, $28.95 (paper), ISBN 0-919813-72-0)
Edward D. IVES, Folksongs of New Brunswick (Fredericton, Goose Lane Editions, 1989, Pp. 194)
Victor Cari FRIESEN, The Windmill Turning: Nursery Rhymes, Maxims, and other Expressions of Western Canadian Mennonites (Edmonton, University of Alberta Press, 1988, Pp. 137)
Marie L. McLAUGHLIN, Myths and Legends of the Sioux (Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 1990, Pp. 224, $6.95 (paper), ISBN 0-8032-8171-4)
Dan BEN-AMOS and Emmanuel BIN GORION, editors, Mimekor Yisrael: Selected Classical Jewish Folktales (Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 1990, Pp. xiii + 271)
Bruce KAPFERER, A Celebration of Demons: Exorcism and the Aesthetics of Healing in Sri Lanka (Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1983, Pp. 312; 7 figs., 58 photos, notes, bib.,index, map, (clothbound) $32.50, (paper) $18.50)
Edward W. GIFFORD and Gwendoline Harris BLOCK (compilers), Californian Indian Nights, (Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 1990, Pp. 323, $9.95 (paper), ISBN 0-8032-8171-4)
David M. RAYSIDE, A Small Town in Modem Times: Alexandria, Ontario (Montreal & Kingston, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1991, Pp. 336, ISBN 0-7735-0826-0)
Dorothy Harley EBER, When the Whalers Were Up North: Inuit Memories From the Eastern Artic (Montreal, McGill- Queen’sUniversity Press, 1989, Pp. 187, $29.98 (hardcover), ISBN 0-7735-0702-7) / Stephen HUME, Ghost Camps; Memory and Myth on Canada ’s Fronder (Edmonton,NeWest, 1989, Pp. 276, $14.95 (paper), $24.95 (hardcover), ISBN 0-920897-65-7) / Rudy WIEBE, Playing Dead; A Contemplation Concerning the Artic (Edmonton, NeWest, 1989, Pp. 124, $16.98 (paper), ISBN 0-920897-61-4)
Harry ASSU and Joy INGLIS, Assu of Cape Mudge: Recollections of a Coastal Indian Chief (Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 1989, $19.95 (paper), ISBN 0-7748-0341-x, $29.95 (clothbound) ISBN 0-7748-0333-9) / Patrick MOORE and Angela WHEELOCK (eds.), Wolverine Myths and Visions: Dene Traditions from Northern Alberta (Edmonton, University of Alberta Press & Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 1990, $24.95, ISBN 0-88864-148-6) / Robin RIDINGTON, Trail to Heaven: Knowledge and Narrative in a Northern Native Community (Vancouver, Douglas & Mclntyre, 1988, $29.95, ISBN 0-88894-628-7)