Géographie physique et Quaternaire

Volume 51, numéro 1, 1997

Sommaire (9 articles)

  1. Rain-generated overland flow as a factor in the development of some stratified slope deposits: A case study from the Pays du Buëch (Préalpes, France)
  2. Allochthonous sediment in till near a lithological boundary in central Ontario
  3. Inferences on glacial flow from till clast dispersal, Waterford area, New Brunswick
  4. Glaciolacustrine sediments and Neoglacial history of the Chephren Lake basin, Banff National Park, Alberta
  5. Glacilacustrine environment of part of the Oak Ridges Moraine, Southern Ontario
  6. Dynamique d’un front forestier sur un talus d’éboulis actif en climat tempéré froid (Gaspésie, Québec)
  7. Pollen evidence of Late Holocene treeline fluctuation from the southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia
  8. Modifications des systèmes fluviatiles à la transition Pléniglaciaire-Tardiglaciaire et à l’Holocène : l’exemple du bassin de la Somme (Nord de la France)


  1. New records and AMS radiocarbon dates on Quaternary Walrus ( Odobenus Rosmarus ) from New Brunswick

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